Sunday, October 22, 2017

VU7T Lakshadweep DXpedition

Just returned from a Radio DXpedition to Lakshadweep.
Following is the regional news coverage of this event:

Lot of learnings, friendly people, joy of spreading awareness about Amateur Radio and many more hams across the world getting their most sought after DXCC score made this trip a fulfilling experience.

Kiran VU2XE

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Youtube live event on Radio Contesting

Amateur Radio is taking me to many areas of learning. Recently, i have been elected to Amateur Radio Society of India as a GC member and then got requested to play Contest Manager role there.

I believe in learning and sharing the knowledge all the time. Thought of reaching VU hams via newer mediums such as Youtube live events. I attempted first live event today at my following: Amateur Radio Channel :

It took good amount of hours (probably 25 hrs over 3-4 weeks  to collect materials, format slides, record and edit all necessary elements.

Software used:

1. Videopad for editing
2. OBS for streaming
3. QSOOrder (connected to N1MM during contests) for sound clips
4. for sound track

What I gained? - many friends in ham world and learning of new techniques in the process.


Convenience or Compromise antenna for portable HF?!

 It depends on what one considers as good ops!. When speed matters like in regional emergency comms, NVIS strategy is most beneficial. NVIS ...