Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ham Radio experiment with 20m hexbeam

It was long time since my on air activity from India and never before had a opportunity to operate from my permanent QTH (near Mangalore). After my last period of VU operation from Mumbai during 2000-2003/4, My station (VU3KPL) was down. I thought CQ WPX CW contesting weekend 28th and 29th may 2011 is right time to start the hobby again. Timing seemed perfect to try new things.

Had studied about KIO and Traffie hexbeams. I had received 6 xenon fishing rods(fiberglass 3.9mtr long) from my brother's DX trip. Although rod walls seemed thinner, for my temporary setup it was ok.

Next problem was with hub design. Fortunately one of the local fabricator agreed to get it done same evening as i was planning. It took an hour to get the work using 1.5" (1.5' high) GI pipe as center mast and 1/2" GI pipes as support spokes.

Went to local hardware shop for PVC mast(piece above the GI hub), nylon ropes and S hooks. S hooks were unavailable, but genius workaround was suggested by my local friend. He gave a steel chain from which each link can be taken out in the form of S.

Measured length of fishing rod from its base to lure rod's string support rings. It was around 4" more than suggested 128" for spreader support. Cut seven 133" nylon cords and attached S clips at the end. Similarly cut driven and reflector wires, attached separators as nylon cords (2') again. Kept everything ready for next day's early morning assembly.

Early morning started spreading out telescopic rods and tied all cords to central PVC mast. This task was easy. Then laid wires around the structure. All well.

It was very hot and humid by 9AM here. Kept remaining task for the evening as signal would not appear during the day time.

Took a old 12',  3/4"water pipe as mast. Unfortunately when raising, it broke at couple of week points(because of its aging). One of the spreader arm also got fractured at support hub. Situation became tense as effort might have to be halted. Then with help of friends and family, got another GI pipe 15' (3/4") and raised antenna successfully. Raising this antenna is most difficult task.

Switched on my Yaeusu 857D, very good signal reception was heard with almost no ground noise. Then did a quick SWR check. It was around 1.5 for bothCW and SSB section of 20m. More height could have brought this SWR down. Made some quick contacts with DX stations J25, IZ, LA2 etc with 50 watts and got 56 to 59 report. What more to expect from an antenna only 15' high. Due absence of rotator, i could not check directivity. It was stationary looking north, north-west. So most of the contacts were from Europe, Mid East and couple from Africa. I also heard signals from US east coast (Florida). Overall structure was very stable and performance is well told with the log constituting 21 DXCC entries.

Here is a list of stations worked all with max power of 50W
date    UTC           TX kHz  Mode  Call    RST S  RST R 
--------------------  --------  ----  ------  -----  ----- 
27-May-2011 14:23:05   14056.0  CW    UA6AQB  569    599   
27-May-2011 14:42:23      14.2  SSB   IZ0RPZ  59     59    
27-May-2011 14:59:02      14.2  SSB   J25DXA  59     59    
27-May-2011 15:12:40      14.2  SSB   LA2PC   59     56    
27-May-2011 15:19:59      14.3  SSB   9M4SJN  59     59    
27-May-2011 15:32:14      14.2  SSB   LZ3SD   56     57    
27-May-2011 15:41:28      14.2  SSB   OZ3FD   58     58    
27-May-2011 15:45:55      14.3  SSB   DM3MR   58     58    
27-May-2011 17:06:30      14.2  SSB   CT1EHI  59     56    
28-May-2011 12:18:01      14.2  SSB   XU7TZG  56     56    
28-May-2011 12:21:34      14.2  SSB   VU2AGJ  59     59    
28-May-2011 12:23:30      14.2  SSB   VU2DK   59     59    
28-May-2011 12:28:13      14.2  SSB   VU2PT   59     59    
28-May-2011 14:44:35      14.2  SSB   IZ2ACD  58     57    
28-May-2011 14:55:01      14.3  SSB   DH7LF   58     57    
28-May-2011 15:02:33      14.2  SSB   PB5X    59     55    
28-May-2011 15:07:33      14.3  SSB   IZ1PNT  58     55    
29-May-2011 14:13:15      14.2  SSB   ET3AA   58     59    
29-May-2011 14:52:18      14.2  SSB   A61ZX   59     59    
29-May-2011 15:03:36      14.2  SSB   HS0ZCW  59     57    
29-May-2011 15:18:26      14.2  SSB   IV3UTV  59     55    
01-Jun-2011 11:30:13      14.2  SSB   VU2AU   59     59    
01-Jun-2011 11:38:42      14.2  SSB   A41NN   59     55    
01-Jun-2011 12:29:09      14.2  SSB   VU3RID  56     59    
01-Jun-2011 13:23:46      14.2  SSB   VU2AGJ  59     59    
01-Jun-2011 13:25:47      14.2  SSB   VU2DSI  59     59    
01-Jun-2011 16:48:55      14.2  SSB   5Z4ES   59     55    
02-Jun-2011 12:16:22      14.2  SSB   VU2YK   59     59    
02-Jun-2011 12:19:50      14.2  SSB   VU2OO   59     59    
02-Jun-2011 12:33:56      14.2  SSB   VU2AGJ  59     59    
02-Jun-2011 12:50:14      14.2  SSB   A41LD   59     59    
02-Jun-2011 13:00:24      14.2  SSB   VU3MRT  45     59    
02-Jun-2011 17:45:44      14.1  CW    IT9KYF  599    559   
03-Jun-2011 16:44:39      14.2  SSB   F8DVD   59     52    
03-Jun-2011 17:22:50      14.2  SSB   IK2IQD  59     59    
04-Jun-2011 02:48:35      14.2  SSB   4K6FO   58     59    
04-Jun-2011 13:28:08      14.2  SSB   VU2DK   59     59    
04-Jun-2011 13:57:36      14.2  SSB   VU2ASH  58     56    
04-Jun-2011 15:39:04      14.2  SSB   VU2CDW  59     59    
05-Jun-2011 05:32:03      14.2  SSB   ER4DX   59     57    


Update: 18/Jun/2012:
Subsequently in first quarter of 2012 I gathered few friends in Bangalore to work on 5Band version of this antenna with better quality support structures. 

I love this hobby!

Convenience or Compromise antenna for portable HF?!

 It depends on what one considers as good ops!. When speed matters like in regional emergency comms, NVIS strategy is most beneficial. NVIS ...